Okay so seriously, it’s embarrassing how long it’s been since my last post. It’s been over a year for pete’s sake! It’s really quite selfish of me. Just think of all those bargains I’ve been keeping to myself. muahahah!!
Actually that’s not true. I’m constantly sending text messages to my sister. They usually sound a lot like this
“Woo hoo! I just bought all of this for $5!!”
“Look what I just scored for FREEEEE!”
“They paid me to take this stuff out of the store! woot woot!”
In the last year I’ve shifted my focus from Goodwill shopping (not completely abandoning, I still heart you GW!) to couponing, Craig’s Listing, and Facebook Garage Sale-ing. I will share some of my goodies and tips from the last year soon…I promise!
So today I’m just going to share some of the SPOOOOKABLES that we’ve been putting up around the house.
I got the spiced elixir candle jar and jack-o-lantern in the glass dome at Marshall’s about a week ago. The “Happy Halloween” sign came from our local Meijer’s a couple years ago on clearance. The netting and all the black birds came from the Dollar Tree.
I transformed our family into a family of vampires by cutting little teeth out of the edge of a white sticker sheet. Creepy!
The wooden bat was also a purchase from Meijer’s clearance a couple of years ago. The moss is from the Dollar Tree. I got the glittery black pumpkin from Target’s dollar spot.
I love these mirrored jars! I also got these from Marshall’s this year.
I also picked up some spider webbing from the Dollar Tree…I tried not to get too carried away with it…
and here:
WARNING: Cats love this stuff…either that or my cat thought I overdid it and took it upon herself to take it down.
The feather wreath was also purchased at Meijer on clearance. The “F” was something I cut out of cardboard and wrapped with twine.
Some simple fall décor for the top of the TV armoire.
And last buy not least a little, an update to my homemade chalkboard.
Look familiar? Okay, you got me. I totally knocked this off of Pottery Barn.
Don’t look so surprised. It’s not like it’s the first time…or the last.